Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Real Hero's Don't Need Any Special Powers!


Tadi masa aku jalan jalan dekat facebook. Terjumpa video nih. cuba tengok dan hayati sedikit. Sebenarnya zaman sekarang susah mau cari orang orang macam dorang nih. Adapun tapi bilangan dia sikit seja. Terharu plus meremang bulu roma tengok video nih . Malaysia! wake up!  Sifat Manusia yang macam ini yang kita cari. Tolak ansur , tanggungjawab what else? please .
"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward , safe in the knowlegde that one day someone might do the same for you " -Princess Diana

Monday, February 17, 2014



Princess, Guard, respect
Respect this guard

"This would be  a man that loves going to work and does not dread it the night before. Upon entering the Magic Kingdom , one of the security guards said to the girl :

"Excuse me Princess , can i have your autograph."

I could see that the book was filled with children's scribbles as the guard asked the same question of many little princesses. The little girl could not get over the fact that the guard thought she was a real princess" 

How sweet betul lah this pakcik guard.Tehee #Respect

Cr: Facebook.


CARA MENGHITUNG ZIKIR DENGAN JARI Assalamualaikum? Memandangkan sesetengah orang mungkin tiada tasbih ataupun malas nak bawak tasbi...

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